Become a Storyteller

"Good storytelling; you can get everybody to clap at the same time, to hopefully laugh at the same time, and to be afraid at the same time.” - Steven Spielberg

Keep reading to see how we got inspired by this all-time famous filmmaker and how telling a story is important not just in film, but in your copy.

The art of showing over telling is a mastered skill. By unlocking this writing skill, you can create copy for your posts that is not only engaging but makes your audience feel inspired to save your post for later. If you remember, according to the algorithm saves are favored much higher than likes these days so you'll want to focus your attention on that key factor!

✔️ You want to be passionate in what you tell. You need to set up the scene, make it a work of art. Communicate your story so you use description and action. Telling involves more of a summary, which is of course helpful in some avenues but for the purposes of sharing a hero's journey for example, it will not help you put your best foot forward with your audience. It doesn't help to paint a visual in the reader's eyes, which is how connections are made. When in doubt, appeal to the senses.

My favorite tip? 📲 Once you've created what you would like to showcase, take a step back and re-read it from an outsider's perspective. Is the story compelling? Are you bored after the first two sentences or do you feel enthralled to keep reading? Does it feel genuine? Can you connect? Take a look at some of your favorite accounts. What inspires you?

The type’s of stories you can share :

  • -an interesting story from history that relates to your brand

  • -your how and why you got started

  • your hero’s journey

  • showcase your expertise

  • the purpose behind your organization and what drives you

  • your product and services in action

  • telling a story with a video

  • behind the scenes

  • inspirational quotes