Tip #3 Respond to your Audience!

Welcome back to another week of Secrets of a Social Media Team
This week we're talking all about being responsive! 🤩
In this newsletter, you'll learn why you need to be responding to your audience and how exactly you should be crafting your messages.
Keep scrolling to learn why being responsive on social media is one of the most basic, but very overlooked aspects of a successful online presence!

Imagine this 💭
You took time to craft and curate an amazing campaign, worked tirelessly with your team on Reels, and scheduled out a whole week of engaging content you know your audience will love. And you're right...they loved it! 🤩 They're liking, commenting, and sharing just as you planned.

You think Score! Campaign Successful!! 💯
You move on to the next week.
WRONG. ❌❌❌
Back up a second. You can't leave them like that!

What was the point of all your hard work and efforts if you're not going to follow through and try to increase engagement even further by interacting back? It's a two-way street!

Did you know?
Your audience can smell disingenuous behavior from a mile away! They'll know if you're just going through the motions and will pick up on it through your responses or lack thereof. Remember, you have to be willing to give in order to even think about taking.

Increasing engagement proves that your business cares about its customers. Brands with higher audience engagement have been proven time and time again to see :

*Increased brand loyalty rentention

*Increased sales

*Increased brand awareness

Nobody wants a generic response. Your audience wants to be seen, heard, and validated. Their opinions should mean something to you as an organization. If you leave them ignored or with a lackluster response, they're not going to feel as attached to you as a brand. Developing that very specific brand loyalty is what retains customers!

PRO TIP: Another way you can be responsive and engaging is by encouraging user-generated content in your next campaign by promoting and resharing this type of content. There are plenty of ways to do this. (Hmm new newsletter topic? What do you think? 😉) When your audience sees how involved and interested you are in resharing their content, in turn, they will be more apt to do so.