8 Things You Need To Stop Doing On Social Media

Don't Do This!

When it comes to social media for both business and personal use, it can take time to learn the ins and outs of proper social media etiquette.

We're always sharing tips, tricks, techniques, and tutorials with you on everything you should be doing. Have you ever thought about the things you shouldn't be doing? This week we’re here to share some of our big DON’Ts. If you’re reading through this list and it seems a little too familiar...don’t panic. You can start fixing it today. We're just happy you're catching it early!

1. Not Separating Personal Accounts from Business Accounts:
Of course, you can promote your business on your personal account, but there definitely needs to be a separate business account. There are exceptions to this rule of course when it comes to popular influencers - they are their brand. If you are selling yourself, your lifestyle, or building your personal brand - you can certainly combine the two. Use your best judgment! Sometimes Aunt Susie from South Dakota just wants to see pictures of the twins - she's family; she's not in your target audience.

2. You Forgot to Post This Week...Yikes!
Posting once a week isn’t going to cut it - keep content fresh and at the forefront of their feeds! The biggest impacts come when you post 1x a day to your feed and are posting at least 3 stories per day as well! If that’s too much for you to start with, we can work with baby steps. Try for 3 posts a week - then gradually increase. If this something you're continuing to struggle with because you're focusing on your day-to-day, it may be time for you to invest in a Social Media Manager. This way you don't have to worry about it!

3. You Neglected to Interact…
If your viewers continue to comment, while never receiving a response back, guess what? They’re going to stop commenting. Engage with them! How to get around this? That could mean allocating time on your calendar specifically for engagement. Engage on your posts, and engage on other posts and groups. Make your presence known in your space!

4. No One Likes a Spammer!
Did you forget to post this week? Please don’t post 7 photos all at once. We’re begging you! Spread it out. You may think it's great you're getting the content out at once, but your viewers may feel their feed is being spammed. Another con to this faulty method is due to the fact you're on their feeds once, and then they have no other reminder of you during the week. This is why posting once a day works! You won't get lost in the background.

5. Putting Others Down Gets You Nowhere…
We get it. You've worked hard and built your business up to compete with the best in the business. Let your products, services, and testimonials speak for themselves. Don’t bash your competitors online. It’s not a best in biz practice. Your audience will think it’s crass, too.

6. Forgetting to Use Spell-Check!
We recently talked about using Grammarly! If every other sentence in your copy has a spelling or grammatical error, it’s not a great look. Double-check, and even triple-check your work. Having a second set of eyes is key!

7. #Please #Don’t #Post #Like This# #It #Doesnt #Do #Anything #For #You
Fun aside, hashtags are important, but use the correct ones at the end of the post. We know it can be confusing. If you need help, please don't hesitate to ask us.

8. We’ll throw in the last one for good measure...Forgetting to ENJOY IT!
We know this isn’t easy. There’s a lot of strategy that goes into social media. It goes way beyond just taking a pic and pressing send. Enjoy the process. And if it’s not your thing, we’re here to help you. This is our specialty. We can focus on this, while you can focus on your day-to-day!