Keep scrolling for some examples of 3 Posts to Start Incorporating Today!

We'll be honest...

It's a tough market out there these days. Special techniques that worked just a few years ago are now considered bare-bones necessities for your social media. The game is constantly changing and you have to be willing to evolve with it if you're looking to get any real traction. 

Some of these techniques may seem a little out of your comfort zone, but the quicker you adapt and at least try them out - your business will reap the benefits! We'll discuss three different types of posts you should be curating.

First up...

Graphics for Statistics & Quotes

If you would like to post statistics or share quotes with your followers, instead of just typing the quote in the copy, create an original graphic. This automatically creates a visually appealing post that will perform better. For statistics, the more aesthetically pleasing you make them, the more people will be interested in viewing them as opposed to an Excel spreadsheet. If you need help on how to create these graphics, just ask us!

Behind the Scenes Footage

Everyone’s a lover of some good BTS photos and videos. Much like a blooper reel at the end of a film, showcasing BTS photos and videos are engaging. They show the other side of things. It’s like a sneak peek! You can include your whole team or a behind the scenes process of something you do. For example, if you work in Real Estate show us how you set up for an Open House and prep for tours! It's always a way to "humanize" your account. People come for the info, but often stay for the entertainment factor. Are you posting things that YOU personally would want to see? As always, curate carefully with a strategy in mind.

Post Videos of You and Your Team Showcasing Tips, Advice, and Tutorials

There are a couple of different ways you can go about doing this. You can take your viewers with you on your day-to-day. Sometimes people post videos of themselves talking while they’re in the car. Take them along for the ride! As long as you make them feel involved, you're golden! If you're in Real Estate, talk about some key tips on staging your home. If you're in the Physical Fitness realm, let's see some stretching tutorials! Work in the hair industry? Let's see your best recommendations for a hair regimen tailored to your specific hair type. The possibilities are endless. Sometimes it helps to remove yourself from the industry and take an outside look in.What are all the tips that you feel are common knowledge in your field that the average consumer wants to learn more about? Start there!