We're talking about Clickable Links in Instagram Stories! Gone are the days of "Swipe Up" now! But here's the thing - we're not seeing it being utilized as often as we know it can be as this feature will tremendously help your business. So, we're here to show you the ropes and get you comfortable with using new features. Remember, get comfortable with being uncomfortable and that is where you will grow. When it comes to new features and updates, you're never on your own. We're here with you every step of the way to provide you with value and help your business flourish. 🤩

Plus, the most important part - Clickable Links in Instagram Stories are no longer just available to accounts with 10k followers! So you smaller businesses out there looking to grow - here is your time to ✨shine

Keep scrolling for step-by-step instructions!

Asking a viewer to leave their IG feed can be a tough ask, but with these Clickable Links, it presents an easier, precise way to do so. You're making it easy for your followers, which they will, in turn, appreciate and utilize!

You can put up a link to your website or blog every single day if you wish! Each time, you increase your exposure which in turn will increase your sales! 🤑

How to insert a Link:

  1. After your story is created, click the stick on the top right-hand corner and select the “link” option.

  2. Copy and paste your link into the link field.

  3. Customize the text and color by tapping on the sticker to adjust what you’d like.

My favorite part? 📲 It couldn't make us happier that Instagram is providing access to accounts under 10k followers. This gives smaller influencers and businesses alike the opportunity to grow and be able to compete with larger accounts.

In the words of Instagram, they are promoting, "Equity, Expression, and Enablement." Bravo to that! 👏