Evergreen trees retain their green leaves the whole year.

Evergreen trees retain their green leaves the whole year.

Hence the name "Evergreen Content" for content that never goes out of date.

There's a laundry list of types of content you can be posting these days. We recommend you include a mix of content that will have a long life cycle and continue to bring engagement to your account. Even though most posts can bring you engagement for days, the half-life of most social media posts is relatively short, so by creating content that people will want to refer back to at a later date, you wind up extending the life of the post. (The exception here is Pinterest. Pins can show up months later in your feed. Since it's a platform full of inspiration, the whole point is to refer back to the posts later.)

Examples of what is vs what is not Evergreen Content :

What Is :

-The homeowners guide to adding instant curb appeal

-How to spruce up your closet in 5 easy steps

-A video tutorial on how to properly stretch your hamstrings

-Any sort of checklist

What isn’t:

-Check out last week’s article on___

-Spring 2021 trends___

-What we loved in 2021___

-Monthly sales statistics

Posts with Evergreen content have a longer life span!

Informative, relevant, and timeless content keeps readers on your website and social profiles longer, telling search engines your content is valuable and fulfilled the search request.

We challenge you to work on incorporating Evergreen content into your posts each week. Remember, get back to the basics. What you might consider industry knowledge may not be considered common knowledge to the average person.

Put yourself in their shoes. What can you teach your audience that they will want to refer back to at a later time? If you're in Real Estate, how can someone prep to sell their home? In the Physical Fitness Industry? Teach a new move that someone can use at the gym and include a call to action so they can pull up your video from their 'saved' collection. Into decorating? Post a carousel on how to spruce up your space for each season.